Four Main Refrigeration Component Explained

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Refrigeration System: Compressor Condenser Evaporator Expansion Valve Low Pressure High Pressure Vapor Liquid
Home » Four Main Refrigeration Component Explained

The refrigeration system consists of four main parts, each with a distinctive design intended to perform a task that is closely connected to the refrigeration cycle. NCCER identifies these components as critical devices for the proper functioning of the system.

  1. Compressor:
    In a refrigeration system, the mechanical device converts low-pressure, low-temperature refrigerant gas into high, temperature, high-pressure refrigerant gas.

    The most common type of compressors:

        1. Reciprocating
        2. Rotary
        3. Axial
        4. Centrifugal
  2. Condenser:

    A heat exchanger device that utilizes coils to transfers heat from the refrigerant flowing inside it to the air or water flowing over it.

  3. Evaporator:

    A device that transfers heat from the air flowing over it to the cooler refrigerant flowing through it by utilizing coils.

  4. Expansion Valve:

    A device that provides a pressure drop that converts high-temperature, high-pressure liquid refrigerant from the condenser into the low-temperature, low-pressure liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator 

The most common type of expansion valves:

      1. Automatic Valves
      2. Thermostatic Valves
      3. Capillary Tubes
      4. Float Valves

To gain a better understanding of how these components function in the refrigeration cycle click on Understanding the Cycle of Refrigeration

Refrigeration Process: Liquid turn to vapor through a process involving a Compressor Condenser Evaporator Expansion Valve

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